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Videos | Oxlade-Chamberlain’s goals against Crystal Palace - 11 Comments

Oxlade-Chamberlain’s goals against Crystal Palace

Check out the two goals scored by Oxlade-Chamberlain during their game against Crystal Palace. Footage provided exclusively and copy-written by Arsenal.

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  1. Liam said...

    Thursday, February 6th 2014

    What a way to make a comeback after half the season out injured. Welcome back Ox.

  2. Archie said...

    Thursday, February 6th 2014

    i hope jack is back for liverpool , so that the ox is moved to the left or right wing

  3. F Ansari said...

    Thursday, February 6th 2014

    Great & Very Timely Goals. Bright Future.

  4. Abidemi Oderinlo said...

    Thursday, February 6th 2014

    Ox’ as always been a complete player, and a constant menace to opponents, his time on the sideline as denied Arsenal some good football, I am glad he’s back and banging…

  5. Justin Case said...

    Thursday, February 6th 2014

    Get in son!!!!!

  6. Justin Case said...

    Thursday, February 6th 2014

    Feed the OX and he will score

  7. wilson said...

    Thursday, February 6th 2014

    OX could be the key for us to the end of the season. Keep it up son!
    Wilson from Denmark.

  8. victor said...

    Thursday, February 6th 2014

    nice to have the OX back!!!!!go get liverpool now!

  9. chris said...

    Thursday, February 6th 2014

    getting more like fab but quicker

  10. shadae said...

    Thursday, February 6th 2014

    Absolutely amazing alex you have come back very strong from your injury and once again your a delight to watch on the field your an incredible inspiration :) xx

  11. Felix said...

    Thursday, February 6th 2014

    Alex you are the best!!

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