The Ox took to twitter in effort to answer as many questions that came flooding through by the hasth-tag of ‘AskTheOx’.
Indeed, the flood gates were open as millions of entries streamed through, comprising of very funny, very peculiar and not to mention, mind-boggling questions.
There will be another session very soon, so if your question was not answered, make sure you stay tuned to the website for news on the next session.
alex de dote said...
Wednesday, February 5th 2014
Who do you think is the best at Arsenal?
alex de dote said...
Wednesday, February 5th 2014
Which one do you prefer to play with? Ozil or Cazorla?
Felix said...
Wednesday, February 5th 2014
ox = Fantastic
Fantastic = the best football player
the best football player = ox
ante said...
Wednesday, February 5th 2014
zzzzz next time if you dont know the word just google it :L
quality video !