Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain | OXTV

Training Montage

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6 Responses to “Training Montage”

  1. Martin M says:

    Haha I saw that video of the penalty chip at the end… After the celebration, Ox turned and asked, “Is the boss watching?” That was hilarious!

  2. jai says:

    look at arshavin,running his guts out.respect!

  3. GregaVuksinic says:

    haha chambo funny as always :)

  4. Daniel Stephen Fosvold Voje says:

    Good chip! :D

  5. Yasmine says:

    we need more videos!! i love em.

  6. Dominic says:

    Lovely chip, good job u didn’t teach Van Persie how to do it :)

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