Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain | OXTV

Season 2011/12

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18 Responses to “Season 2011/12”

  1. Fern says:

    Alex, you are a true inspiration and a great player. Please keep doing us gooners proud. Love and Best Wishes xxx

  2. Lucy says:

    Alex, you are fab. Just so you know you have inspired me so much. Keep playing incredibly well, always rooting for you! I believe you are going to be a legend, your already fab and your only going to get better! your my al’, I love you. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

  3. tazie says:

    Feel like commenting again!!! Lol I’m just chilling on the site !! Let me just say my twitter is the@oxchambofacts while I’m at it!! Love u ox

  4. tazie says:

    Love u Alex

  5. Lauren says:

    The pictures show how much alex loves the sport and how much dedication he has for himself and the team. I going to support arsenal all the way. <3

  6. Victor says:

    am sending a big shout out all the way from Nigeria. Ur too good ox

  7. Tim17 says:

    great pictures

  8. Adnan Halilovic says:

    You are my favourite player Alex !! <3

  9. preso says:

    thumbs up OX wojciech will always be a keeper nothing change dat

  10. Stanley Casey Utoh says:


  11. Mentor says:

    Greatness are to come, keep going Ox, keep going Arsenal, let us enjoying these season!

  12. abdullahi aminu says:

    The ox is not an ordinary player,the ox is my messu

  13. Yasmine says:

    love the pics!! love arsenal and Alex! <3

  14. Eleanor says:

    Love your pictures. I’m a big fan of you. Best football player for me :) xxxx

  15. Nanda Wardana says:

    I love your picture gallery! me and my boyfriend are big fans of you! :)

  16. Gunner_Scotty says:

    My favourite player for Arsenal , look up to you so much , a star already at the age of 18 , incredible achievement. #COYG #TheOx

  17. IndiGooner says:

    Lovely pics! I hope you play lots more and get Arsenal the due they deserve for long time!

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